
If you want to get the most out of your energy-efficient windows, cleaning the glass is necessary. While it might seem as simple as spraying the surface with a glass cleaner and wiping it down with a soft cloth, there’s much more to performing this task properly. Here’s how to clean your windows.


Clean the entire window.

While the exteriors of your windows are exposed to dust, pollen, and the elements, the interiors and frames are just as important. If dirt and debris aren’t regularly removed from both the glass and frames, they can block or jam the sashes, leaving gaps that can defeat the purpose of energy-efficient windows. Every time you clean the glass, be sure to clean the frames inside and outside.

Leave the windows for last.

Whether you’re having landscaping done or just carrying out your regular cleaning schedule, other cleaning and maintenance activities can stir up significant amounts of dirt. If you have freshly cleaned windows, this dirt can settle on the glass, creating stains and streaks.

In some cases, such stains can even become permanent. Instead, wait until all other cleaning is done and then tend to your windows for a sparkling finish.


Wait for rain.

energy-efficient windowsEven though southern Alabama receives plenty of rain, you shouldn’t count on this to keep your windows clean. Rainwater in coastal regions often contains high levels of salt, which can leave a dusty white layer on glass.

Furthermore, if any dust or grime is present on your windows, rainwater will only smear and smudge it, leaving the glass even more murky and dirty than it was before. Clean glass, however, will allow rainwater to roll right off, and cleaning it after a downpour will be that much easier.

Use newspaper for cleaning.

Wiping glass panes with newspaper is a traditional way of cleaning, but it’s not the most beneficial these days. Modern newspapers use oil-based inks, which can leave a water-resistant layer on the glass, making the next cleaning more difficult and detracting from your windows’ appearance. Instead, use microfiber cloths with gentle cleaning solutions or mixtures of vinegar or dish soap with warm water.


For a wide range of window products and services in Dothan, AL, including energy-efficient windows, contact Circle City Glass. Serving homeowners and businesses throughout Dale, Henry, and Houston counties, this company offers premium products and high-quality installation and repairs for showers, mirrors, and windows. Find out more about their services online, or call (334) 794-6160 to discuss your needs.