
The drain field is the earth that surrounds the septic tank and the pipes that release wastewater into the soil. The bacteria in the soil filters the water before it re-enters the water table. Taking care of the drain field is an essential aspect of routine septic cleaning, and the following guidelines will help you make the most of the system.


Limit water usage.

An oversaturated drain field can prevent the wastewater from filtering properly, increasing harmful bacteria in the water supply. Stagger showers and the use of appliances like dishwashers and washing machines, and schedule regular septic cleaning to remove sludge from the tank and ensure water can flow into the leach pipes properly. 

Monitor the area for signs of problems.

If you spot signs of trouble in the drain field, having them fixed quickly can prevent more significant problems, including system failure. Common leach field issues include greener than normal grass over the tank, sewage odors in the area, and spongy ground or puddles on the surface. Inside your home, slow drains and regular backups indicate septic issues that need to be addressed by a professional. 


Plant a garden in the leach field.

septic cleaningAlthough planting grass and plants with shallow roots can help prevent the soil in the drain field from eroding, avoid planting a vegetable garden in the area, as the food could be contaminated with waste.

Trees and shrubs should be planted at least 30 feet away from the drain field to prevent the long-reaching roots from infiltrating the pipes. If you already have plants near the septic system, monitor their root systems closely or consider moving them entirely.

Place heavy items over the leach field.

Avoid building any structures, including carports, sheds, or playground sets, over the leach field. Heavy objects, including parked vehicles and gardening equipment, can compact the soil and damage the pipes underneath.

Don't cover the drain field with landscaping plastic or concrete. This prevents necessary oxygen from getting into the soil and breaking down the bacteria. 


Properly caring for your septic system can keep it in good shape for decades. This includes drain field maintenance and regular septic cleaning from the licensed team at A1 Septic Cleaning Service. This locally owned and operated company serves homeowners in the Kerrville, TX, area, and will handle all aspects of septic installations, repairs, and maintenance. To learn more about their services, visit their website. To schedule septic pumping, call (830) 257-7867.
