
Professional maintenance and septic pumping and repairs will ensure that your system runs efficiently. Beyond that, however, you can also take steps to make sure that it doesn’t develop unexpected clogs. Here’s why these blockages may occur and how you can prevent them.

Why Is Your Septic System Blocked?

1. Flushing the Wrong Materials

People often flush materials like baby wipes, hygiene products, cotton balls, and paper towels to dispose of them quickly and cleanly. However, they can have detrimental effects on the system because they aren’t designed to break down properly.

If they don’t end up clogging the pipe and somehow make it to the septic tank, they can easily accumulate at the inlet and cause an impenetrable blockage. Only human waste and toilet paper are safe to flush. Sending other items into the toilet frequently may force you to schedule septic pumping more frequently than necessary.

2. Tree Root Intrusion

septic pumpingHomeowners aren’t likely to suspect their trees of causing problems with the septic system. But because roots seek the nearest source of moisture, any trees situated near the tank could cut through the pipes in search of nourishment. Roots grow quickly, and if septic repairs alone won’t do the job, your provider may recommend moving the system or removing the trees.

3. Using a Garbage Disposal

Although you can use a garbage disposal if you have a septic system, you need to be mindful of what you send down the drain. Materials like fats, oils, and grease (FOG) can clog the pipe leading to the septic tank or even cause the tank to back up if it accumulates inside.

Starchy materials, like rice and pasta, expand in the drain when exposed to water, creating similar issues as FOG. If you’re in doubt about a particular item, throw it in the trash to avoid premature septic pumping due to unexpected blockages.


Are you concerned that your septic system is clogged? Let the team at Abrahamson Septic in Preston, CT, inspect it for you. The company offers a variety of services, including septic pumping, cleaning, and general maintenance. Visit them online to find out how they can help you, or call (860) 889-7939 to schedule an appointment.  
