
A dental bridge replaces missing teeth. The appliance holds artificial teeth (pontics) and secures them to the natural teeth around the gap (abutments). Understanding the basics of this option will prepare you for an informed discussion with a dentist. The following guide provides a brief overview of this restorative solution.

What Are Dental Bridges?

A bridge is a permanent solution for missing teeth, improving both the look and function of your smile. The solution is custom-made to match your natural teeth for a seamless look. By closing gaps, the appliance makes it easier to chew and speak and keeps your natural teeth in place, preventing misalignment.

There are four types of bridges. The traditional option has a false tooth flanked by two dental crowns that act as abutments. The cantilever bridge is like the traditional style, but only uses one abutment tooth. The Maryland bridge uses two abutment teeth, but has metal or porcelain attachments that extend along the back of the teeth instead of relying on crowns. There are also implant-supported bridges that use dental implants to secure additional artificial teeth. The right option for you depends on how many missing teeth you have, your budget, and the overall condition of the surrounding teeth.

What Happens During the Procedure?

dentistPlacement is typically done in two appointments. In the first, the dentist makes a mold of your mouth to help a lab create pontics that match the size, shape, and color of your natural teeth. They then prepare the abutment teeth surrounding the gap, cleaning and grinding down any decayed ones for stability. Afterward, the dentist places a temporary bridge over the affected area to protect it from bacteria.

In the second appointment, the dentist secures the crowns or bridge to the back of the natural teeth with a strong adhesive. If you use an implant-supported bridge, placement requires surgery to insert titanium rods into the gums.


If you’re exploring restorative dentistry services in Richmond, KY, turn to Mark Stephens DMD. This dentist will take the time to explain your treatment options and answer all your questions so you know what to expect. Their friendly and outgoing staff strives to create a comfortable, relaxing environment. Learn more about restorative procedures online, or call (859) 626-0069 to schedule an appointment.
