
With the arrival of fall, pediatricians working in clinics and children’s hospitals are preparing for the flu season. Adolescents who find themselves dealing with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea often describe their symptoms as the “stomach flu.” However, this not a recognized illness, and below is more information about this issue, as well as the likely causes. 

Why Do People Believe They Have a Stomach Flu?

The term “flu” is synonymous with a myriad of symptoms that can include vomiting, stomach cramps, and diarrhea. However, while there are multiple strains, there is only one type of influenza virus, and it primarily affects your upper respiratory system. When your child experiences a sore throat, headaches, fever, coughing, and some of the stomach issues noted above, they should see a pediatrician for flu treatment. What many people refer to as the stomach flu is a different illness that does not come from a strain of the influenza virus.

What Are the Likely Ailments?

PediatricianWhen your child spend a day with frequent stomach issues, they may have norovirus. Some health care professionals refer to this as the “winter vomiting bug.” It’s a highly contagious virus that carriers can transmit through food, drinking water, or touching an infected surface. Once this infection is in their system, they may experience vomiting, low-grade fever, and cramping for up to 24 hours. 

Outside of the norovirus, your child’s symptoms may be a case of food poisoning. Foodborne illnesses can come from many different pathogens, including salmonella or e.coli. Common causes of this include consuming undercooked meat, raw eggs, contaminated produce, or unpasteurized dairy. When your child experiences a gastrointestinal issue without the common signs of influenza, they should rest and hydrate. Then, contact their pediatrician if the symptoms last longer than a day.


If your child has the symptoms above, the dedicated team of pediatricians at Children & Adolescent Clinic PC can help you determine the underlying issue. Conveniently located in the heart of Hastings, NE, this children’s hospital offers quality, personalized health care throughout Adams County. To schedule an appointment, call (402) 463-6828. For more information on their specialties, including child development and treating teen depression, visit their website.
