
When people think of good posture, they tend to picture someone sitting up stick-straight. However, posture is how you hold yourself at all times—including when you sit, stand, lie down, and move. Poor posture can lead to a variety of problems, including back pain and joint issues. Here’s what you need to know about the effects of posture on your health and how you can improve how you hold yourself.

A Guide to Good Posture

What Are the Impacts of Good & Bad Posture?

Achieving good posture means aligning your body parts to comfortably support yourself against gravity. Improper walking, sitting, and lying put unnecessary stress on muscles and joints. When you maintain well-supported positions, you avoid straining these areas, reducing wear that can increase your risk of developing osteoarthritis and joint pain over time. Holding your muscles correctly allows them to work more efficiently as well. This prevents muscle fatigue, pain, and overuse.

Slouching, slumping, and other improper positions can result in many health problems. They may cause misalignment in your musculoskeletal system, reducing your flexibility and affecting the way you move. The strain on muscles and ligaments wears them down, potentially leaving you more vulnerable to injuries. Consistently poor posture often leads to neck, shoulder, and back pain as well.

How Can You Achieve Good Posture?

back painWorking at a desk all day can make maintaining good posture more difficult. Being mindful of how you hold yourself can make a significant difference. When sitting, relax your shoulders and keep your thighs, hips, and forearms at a parallel position to the ground. Make sure your back is fully supported. Avoid crossing your legs, and keep your feet planted firmly on the ground. Don’t stay in the same position for long periods of time. If possible, get up and walk around or do some gentle stretches every so often.

When standing, keep most of your weight distributed evenly between the balls of your feet. Position your feet a shoulder-length apart and avoid locking your knees. Stand straight and tall with your shoulders back, tucking your stomach in and allowing your arms to hang loosely at your sides. Keep your head level and facing forward. If you must stand for long stretches of time, shift your weight steadily from your heels to toes or from foot to foot. Once you make a habit of good posture, your body will be healthier and more balanced than ever.


If you suffer from neck or back pain, find relief with Midway Pointe Chiropractic Inc. Serving Elyria, OH, and the surrounding areas, this chiropractor offers reliable solutions to alleviate your pain and improve your overall health. With state-of-the-art equipment, affordable options, and over 20 years of experience, the chiropractic care center is committed to providing customized services that improve your quality of life. To schedule your first appointment, call (440) 324-2040. Visit them online to learn more about their services.
