
The idea of a tooth extraction can be disconcerting, but sometimes it’s the only choice for maintaining oral health. Fortunately, the procedure is a relatively basic event that a skilled oral surgeon can perform with ease. If you’re worried about an upcoming tooth extraction, read these common questions and answers before your surgery.

A Brief Guide to Tooth Extractions

What preparations are necessary?

Set aside the entire day for the surgery. Don’t plan on returning to typical activities, such as work or school. It is essential to allot the remainder of the day to resting and healing.

Ask your dentist if you will need someone to drive you home after the procedure. Depending on the level of anesthesia used, it may not be safe to drive yourself.

What steps are included in the procedure?

tooth extractionA tooth extraction has three basic steps. The first is administering an anesthetic. This may be topical or involve full sedation. In either case, it will numb the extraction area so that you cannot feel the procedure.

Next, the dentist will extract the tooth. Once it has been removed, the final step is cleaning and stitching the site. The dentist may also include a temporary gauze pack to manage bleeding.

How much will it hurt?

Mild to moderate pain is normal after a tooth extraction. The dentist can prescribe a painkiller to help manage the discomfort. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen, may also be advised.

The pain may be accompanied by slight bruising and swelling. Using an ice pack can help the swollen area recover. To reduce discomfort, avoid chilled and heated foods, and stick to a soft or liquid diet for two to three days. Report severe pain to your dentist immediately. 

How long does it take to recover?

Most of the healing will take place in the first two days after the extraction. Limiting physical activity during this time can help with recovery.

After seven to ten days, most of the symptoms should pass. Your dentist may schedule a follow-up appointment during this recovery window to ensure that everything is healing on schedule. If you are worried about any of your symptoms, contact your dentist for advice. 

If you have a tooth that is causing problems and needs to be extracted, contact the trained staff at Oral Surgery Center, SC. Their team of oral surgeons offers skilled and caring dental services for the greater Baraboo, WI, area. Call them today at (608) 356-2112 to speak with a knowledgeable staff member or visit their website to learn more about extraction procedures.
