
The decision to separate from your spouse is never simple, but the current pandemic adds even more factors to consider. If you’re pursuing divorce but want to minimize exposure to other people and environments during this time, you can avoid trial. In doing so, you may also be able to finalize your separation quicker and more cost-effectively. Here are a few alternatives to discuss with a divorce lawyer.

What Are Your Divorce Options?

1. Settlement

If you’re confident that you and your spouse can agree on most of the separation terms, settlement may be the best option. Settling out of court gives you more control over factors, such as alimony, custody agreements, and child support. Working with an experienced divorce lawyer will ensure both parties’ interests are protected and a fair outcome is pursued. After an agreement is reached, it'll be submitted to a court for review and approval.

2. Mediation

divorce lawyerMediation is a feasible option for couples who need assistance working through some issues but still wish to avoid trial. With this option, an unbiased third party will weigh in on matters of dispute, such as dividing children's time between parents. Yet, unlike a trial, in which spouses may make emotionally charged cases against one another, mediation encourages the separating couple to keep disagreements neutral by considering only the facts. If a mediator helps you reach an agreement, the terms will be drafted and approved by both parties.

3. Arbitration

When matters of dispute still warrant the oversight of a judge, but the couple wants to expedite the separation and avoid trial, arbitration is the best course of action. An arbitrator acts as a judge and rules on issues the couple can't agree on, but in a private setting. In addition to the final settlement terms, the arbitrator can also set temporary orders for custody and similar matters in the interim. While a divorce lawyer isn't required for arbitration, many spouses work with one to ensure their case is prepared and presented effectively.


If you’re considering separation and want to explore trial alternatives, turn to Castles Family Law. Serving Nashville and Franklin, TN, divorce lawyer Lauren Wilson Castles helps spouses separate as amicably as possible while promoting the rights and interests of her clients. Find out more about her approaches to separation, including mediation, by visiting the practice’s website, or call (615) 804-6086 to schedule a consultation.
