
Roaming cats collect dirt and debris in their fur, even if their coats are short. While your feline doesn’t need constant pet grooming, you should take them to a professional occasionally to provide them with a thorough cleaning. Here are a few other reasons to bring them to the groomers.

Why You Should Have Your Cat Professionally Groomed

1. Maintain Their Coat

Cats are excellent at cleaning themselves, but they can’t reach everywhere on their bodies. Professional pet grooming removes dead hair from their coat and stimulates the follicles, which will release oils and prevent skin dryness.

A groomer can also address mats and tangles that may be causing your feline discomfort. Additionally, they’ll use hygiene and bathing products to remove dirt and debris deep in the fur. These services will give your cat a healthy, revitalized coat.

2. Prevent Nails From Tearing

pet groomingYour cat uses their claws to climb, play, and interact with the environment. Long nails can tear and fall out, and bacteria can infect the openings. The skin around them may also become inflamed and create discomfort.

Trimming nails can be tricky, so work with pet grooming professionals. They won’t clip too far back and injure your cat, and they’ll recognize any existing irritation around the nail that needs to be treated.

3. Avoid Oral Issues

Supplement your cat’s daily tooth brushing by taking them to the groomer for a thorough cleaning. These professionals will use special tools and finger gloves to make sure each tooth is brushed. Ignoring your pet’s oral health may make it difficult for them to eat, as well as cause pain and health issues, like kidney damage.


If you’re seeking pet grooming services for your feline, turn to Bar-King Dog Kennel in Keaau on the Big Island. These professionals will bathe your cat with a gentle shower nozzle and thoroughly untangle their coat to prevent matting. Get more information about their services online, or call (808) 966-8733 to schedule an appointment.
