
Hanging plants are a simple way to give your home a warm, welcoming feeling to guests and neighbors alike. To keep them flowering bright and beautiful, you need to take proper care of them. The guide below will help you maintain your hanging flower baskets throughout the summer season.

5 Tips for Hanging Flower Basket Care

1. Water Often

Because hanging plants have shorter roots that absorb moisture faster, they typically require more water than those growing in the ground. In most cases, you should be watering once daily, but your flowers may need more on exceptionally hot days. Stick your finger one inch into the soil. If it is dry, water thoroughly. Make sure any baskets you purchase have adequate draining.

2. Fertilize

Every time you water plants, essential nutrients from the soil run out through the bottom of the planter. Fertilizer replenishes those nutrients and keeps your flowers growing throughout the season. Just as hanging flowers need water more often, they’ll also require more frequent fertilizing. Feed your flowers once every one or two weeks.

3. Deadhead & Prune

plantsFlowers will come and go throughout the summer, so as they die, pinch them off where they meet the stem. This encourages new blooms. If your plant is beginning to look sparse or uneven, pruning can also promote dense, even growth and keep your basket looking neat and healthy.

4. Rotate If Necessary

Some areas around your yard might be better for hanging flower baskets than others. These locations might offer the ideal amount of sun, protection from the wind, or more temperature conditions. If hanging baskets seem to be flourishing in certain locations, try rotating your plants to give each an equal amount of time there.

5. Replace Plants

Whether it is because of the climate or inadequate growing conditions, some hanging flowers might not thrive the way you want them to. If a plant has faded beyond recovery, replace it with a new one. Visit a garden center with experienced staff members who will help you choose a more suitable flower.


Are you looking for lush, healthy blooms to hang in your yard? Come to P & M Garden Services in Eagle River, AK, to choose from a broad selection of beautiful indoor and outdoor plants. Locally owned and operated for over 42 years, this plant nursery is dedicated to providing expert advice and giving you the tools and tips you need to grow a flourishing garden. Whether you need fertilizers, seeds, vegetable starters, or a fresh new plant for your living room, they’re your one-stop-shop for all garden supplies. Learn more about their services online or call (907) 694-9293 to speak with a friendly staff member.
