
Waking up to red, itchy bites and rust-colored spots on your bedding may indicate that you have a bedbug infestation. These pesky critters have plagued humans for centuries. If you’re unfamiliar with these bugs, you may be curious about how they came to be. Here’s a basic rundown on the history of these insects.

When Did Bedbugs First Appear?

Fossils indicate that versions of these insects have been living on Earth since the Prehistoric Period. As humans began to populate the world, bedbugs followed, infesting dwellings and feeding off of animals and people, including ancient Egyptians and Romans.

bedbugHistorians believe that these critters made their way to the United States in the 17th century when early colonists arrived in European ships. However, by the middle of the 20th century, bedbugs were nearly eradicated. This happened thanks to the increased popularity of vacuums and washing machines, which kill bugs and eggs with heat.

Why Did Bedbugs Come Back?

In the 1990s, these tiny parasites, which were considered virtually extinct in the modern world, came back with a vengeance.

While scientists continue to study why this happened, most believe that bans placed on dangerous pesticides may have allowed them to thrive. It’s also possible that the pests developed a resistance to some chemicals. An increase in international travel may be another culprit. These bugs can nest in shared beds, rugs, upholstered furniture, and suitcases, hitching rides back to people’s homes.


If you’re dealing with a bedbug infestation, Gateway Thermal Solutions LLC will provide an effective chemical-free treatment to eliminate the issue. With over 32 years of experience serving residents of St. Charles County, St. Louis, and St. Louis County, MO, this company offers state-of-the-art heat treatments at affordable prices. The process comes with a 60-day guarantee to ensure you’re happy with the results. Call (314) 445-4402 for an estimate.
