
You may be getting dental implants to correct gaps or other imperfections in your teeth. Following the procedure, regular maintenance is key for making the most of your beautiful new smile. Here are some general tips for long-lasting implants. 

How to Preserve Dental Implants 

1. Brush Thoroughly 

Brushing your teeth maintains oral health. You can find special toothbrushes with soft bristles that are meant for dental implants. Aim to brush twice a day for 2-3 minutes each time, and take special care to cover all areas of implants in hard-to-reach spots, like the back of your mouth.

2. Floss Frequently 

dental implantsFlossing is another basic maintenance task that you can’t overlook when you have dental implants. Just like natural teeth, food stuck in between implants can cause plaque buildup, gum damage, and foul breath. Floss at least once a day to remove food particles. 

3. Refrain From Smoking & Excessive Drinking 

Smoking and excessive drinking can negatively impact your implants, especially within the first six months after receiving them. Even after the implants are fully integrated, be careful about smoking because it restricts blood flow to your gums. Drink alcohol in moderation since too much of it may slow down the healing process after implant surgery. 

4. Avoid Certain Foods 

With implants, you need to be careful about consuming certain foods. Sticky, hard candies, caramel, and ice are a few items that you should avoid entirely or eat with caution.

You don’t want to jeopardize your implants by eating tough foods, especially after surgery. Hard foods can damage your implants by pushing them out of place before they’ve fused to the jawbone, and crunchy foods like chips or seeds can get caught in the tender spots between the implants and the gums. 

5. Visit the Dentist

Regular dental visits are crucial for your oral health. Make sure to prioritize your post-operation appointments so that the surgeon can confirm the implants have fused properly to the jawbone. Additionally, visit the dentist so that you’re aware of other potential issues, like gum weakness or implant fusing complications that may be detectable through oral X-rays.


If you need assistance regarding dental implants, contact Oral Surgery Associates of Central Georgia. This practice has helped residents of Warner Robins, GA, achieve perfect smiles for more than 20 years. They offer implants, wisdom teeth removal, and other surgical services. Learn more about their dental implant options online, or call (478) 971-8811 to schedule an appointment. 
