
Now that the crisp beauty of fall is here, you’ll soon turn to the furnace to stay cozy at night. Before turning it on for the first time of the season, a professional tuneup is recommended to ensure the heating system is mechanically sound and ready to operate safely. Here’s what to expect when the HVAC contractor arrives.

5 Steps of a Furnace Tuneup

1. Inspection

The HVAC technician will inspect all the furnace components, including the burner, heat exchanger, ducts, and ventilation pipes. This allows them to identify any parts that need repairs and order replacement parts as necessary. 

2. Cleaning

Over time, a furnace collects dust and debris, especially when it sits dormant during the spring and summer. Your HVAC contractor will clean the burners and combustion chamber with compressed air to prevent burning odors, promote efficiency, and reduce your monthly energy expenses. Any built-up grime will be removed as well.

3. Filter Replacement

heating systemFilters remove dirt, dust, pollen, and pet dander from the intake air before it enters your furnace for heating and recirculating. Your technician will replace the filter to improve the quality of your indoor air. This will also prevent your heating system from straining and using excessive power to pull air through a saturated filter. 

4. Lubrication

Furnaces have air handlers, motors, and fans that move constantly to circulate air through your home. Your contractor will lubricate these components with oil to keep them moving smoothly and quietly. Lubrication will also prevent corrosion from forming on metal parts.

5. Pilot Light Check

Natural gas furnaces use pilot lights that provide the flame required for igniting the heating system. The contractor will adjust the gas pressure to make sure the pilot light has enough intensity to power up your furnace many times throughout the winter months.  


Keep your heating system running smoothly and safely with an annual tuneup from Anderson Automatic Heating & Cooling. They provide cooling and heating installations, repairs, and maintenance to homes and businesses throughout Cincinnati, OH. Call (513) 574-0005 to get a quote on repairs and visit the website to learn more about furnace upgrades to keep your home comfortable for years to come. 
