
For many homeowners, maintaining a visually appealing exterior is important. As such, if your sidewalks are riddled with pesky weeds, you might be unhappy with the way your property looks. Luckily, with the following weed control tips, you can rectify this issue.

How to Remove & Prevent Weeds on Sidewalks

1. Act Fast

As soon as you see weeds sprouting up in the cracks on your sidewalk or around the perimeter, try to pluck them. This will ensure the seeds aren’t given a chance to develop and spread, meaning they won’t crop up in other areas. Pluck the growth as far down into the root as possible to ensure complete removal. 

2. Apply Salt to the Soil

weed controlWeeds will only grow if the soil is fertile and can provide nourishment. As such, if you want to prevent future outbreaks, you need to make the sidewalk inhospitable.

Salt will sterilize the soil so that any existing weeds die and future ones can’t grow. However, only apply it to the outer perimeter of your property and in between any cracks. If the salt comes into contact with soil elsewhere, it might prohibit desirable plants from growing. 

3. Clean Your Tools After Each Gardening Session

If you’re performing weed control on growths that have already reached maturity, cleaning your gardening tools is a must. The seeds on these plants are easily transported and deposited, and once they reach fertile soil, they’ll grow quickly.

As such, if there are seeds leftover on your tools, and you go to treat another area on your sidewalk, you could unknowingly cause another outbreak. Wipe each tool down with a wet towel and then dry it off to avoid this problem.


If you need help with weed control on your sidewalks, talk to the team at R & T Lawn Services, Inc., in Denver, NC. These lawn care professionals are proud to provide homeowners throughout Catawba, Lincoln, and Mecklenburg counties with a broad range of services designed to keep your property in top-quality condition. Visit their website or call (704) 589-0713 to learn more about what they do.
