
There are many reasons to upgrade your HVAC unit to a more efficient option. The update may have a major impact on how much you pay for heating and cooling each month. It could also make you more comfortable throughout the year. The guide below explains why modern equipment is better.

How High-Efficiency HVAC Systems Reduce Energy Consumption

Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) ratings measure energy efficiency. Old HVAC systems typically have SEER ratings of 10 or less. As a result, they use more power to maintain ideal temperatures, leading to costly waste. Heating and cooling units with SEER ratings of at least 25 use much less energy, making the investment worth it in the long run.

High-efficiency HVAC systems offer additional features that help control costs. Programmable and smart thermostats allow you to set temperatures based on your schedule so that the equipment turns off when no one is home. With smart apps, you can access the thermostat on any mobile device and control it remotely, changing settings throughout the day to reduce costs without affecting comfort.

How to Improve Comfort With Efficient HVAC Units

HVACHigh-efficiency devices maintain consistent temperatures more effectively, reducing hot and cold spots in different rooms. For example, they feature variable-speed motors that improve airflow, better circulating climate-controlled air throughout the home. By increasing pressure in ducts, these motors ensure that air flows out of every register. Better circulation also prevents stale, stagnant air, sending out fresh supplies throughout the space and boosting air quality.

Modern models even control humidity levels, removing excess moisture that could lead to mold and mildew growth. On the opposite end of the spectrum, they ensure air isn’t too dry, helping residents avoid dry skin and eye irritation.


When you need an HVAC system upgrade, contact Bear Heating & Cooling. Based in Girard, OH, these heating and cooling professionals have provided residential services since 1982. Knowledgeable on all makes and models of equipment, these contractors offer free consultations to help you find the best product for your home. Call (330) 545-0743 for an appointment, or visit them online for more on their air conditioning offerings.
