
The physical rewards of an excellent massage are well-known. But in addition to relaxing your muscles, massage therapy can have a positive effect on your mind. Here are just some of the ways this practice benefits the brain.

3 Mental Health Benefits of Massage

1. Relieve Stress

Massage therapy allows you to enjoy physical and mental relaxation. During the session, the amount of cortisol, a stress hormone, in your body will decrease, and your blood pressure and heart rate will return to a gentle, resting rhythm. In this way, massage therapy relieves stress, allowing you to face the day with a more content and optimistic outlook.

2. Alleviate Your Chronic Conditions

massage therapyFor many people, the consistent discomfort of  chronic pain and diseases can take a toll on the brain, causing issues like anxiety and depression. If you experience chronic pain in your muscles or joints, massage therapy can relieve the tension that might be exacerbating it. You’ll then wake up the next morning feeling more like yourself, so you can do the activities that bring you joy.

3. Help You Get a Better Night’s Sleep

At night, the worries of the day all seem to take over the mind, which can make it hard to fall asleep. If you’re dealing with a painful condition, such as sciatica or carpal tunnel, you may toss and turn or wake up throughout the night.

Luckily, massage therapy can reduce physical discomfort and mental stress, allowing you to fall asleep easier and sleep more soundly. When you’ve had a full night’s rest, you’ll feel more alert and have more patience and determination to get through the day.


When you’re looking for an opportunity to recharge, reach out to Tiffany's Thai Massage of Honolulu. Their massage therapists offer Thai, Swedish, and deep tissue massages to help clients feel content and refreshed. Whether you’re tense from working at home or recovering from an athletic injury, you can alleviate your discomfort and improve your mental health with their professional assistance. Call (808) 688-8072 to schedule an appointment today. 
