
There are a lot of factors for families to consider before investing in a swimming pool installation, and one of the most important is safety. While the backyard will become a source of relaxation, exercise, and togetherness for everyone, steps must be taken to ensure the pool is always a safe zone. Luckily, with a few basic ground rules, you can keep your kids safe and give them a fun way to enjoy more time outdoors.

Safety Rules to Set With Your New Swimming Pool Installation

1. Only Swim When Supervised

Accidents may be rare, but if something does occur, an adult should be present so that they’re able to help quickly. Young kids should only swim when an adult is there to supervise. Even during larger gatherings, make sure at least one person is watching the kids at all times. Older kids who are capable swimmers should not be allowed to do so alone, either, so designate a buddy system to prevent solo swimming.

2. No Diving

Backyard pools are generally not deep enough for people to dive in safely. Even if you have a slide or diving board, institute a no-head-first rule. Save the diving practice for commercial pools and teach your kids how to jump feet first or do cannonballs instead.

3. No Running on the Pool Deck

swimming pool installationTrips and falls can lead to injuries even if no one is in the pool yet. Make sure your kids know only to walk around the pool area so that they don’t run into anyone or slip in puddles of water. They should also avoid pushing or horseplay around the pool.

4. No Glass, Food, or Drink Allowed

Broken glass around the pool area can be hazardous for little ones in bare feet, and food and drink can present slipping hazards. Eating just before swimming can also lead to cramps and upset stomachs. Make sure everyone finishes their food and beverages inside before spending time near the pool.


If you’re considering a swimming pool installation, contact the professionals at Artistic Pools / Master Pools. The swimming pool contractor serves both residents and businesses throughout North Georgia and Chattanooga, TN, providing custom pool designs, spas, outdoor kitchens and water features. With more than 63 years in business, the company can completely customize designs to your family’s needs and style preferences. Visit the website to see examples or call (770) 458-9177 [(423) 443-2989 in Tennessee] to request more information about your swimming pool installation.
