
Playing sports provides an excellent way for kids to get some exercise and make new friends. However, you might worry about your young ones becoming injured on the court or field. For instance, if they trip or get struck by the ball, their teeth could become damaged and require emergency treatment from a pediatric dentist. Luckily, the following tips will give you some peace of mind.

4 Ways to Protect Your Young Athlete’s Teeth

1. Teach Safety Rules

Promote safety by encouraging good sportsmanship and cautioning against aggressive play. Remind your kids to follow the rules they learn during practice and take their coach’s guidance to heart. Children who understand the risks associated with sports injuries are often likely to play more carefully since they don’t want to have to sit out games.  

2. Set a Mouthguard Rule

pediatric dentistMouthguards are made from a soft and flexible material known as ethylene-vinyl acetate. A pediatric dentist can custom-create this device based on molds of your child’s teeth. Mouthguards fit snugly yet comfortably and absorb impacts, preventing the teeth from chipping, cracking, or getting knocked out. 

3. Get a Helmet

Helmets protect the skull, facial bones, and jaw because they absorb the shock of falls and impacts. Those with face shields also prevent flying objects or other players from making direct contact with your child’s mouth. 

4. Respond Quickly to Accidents

If your child loses a tooth due to a sports injury, preserve it in water to protect the root cells. This makes it more likely that an emergency children’s dentist will be able to reattach it. 

Stop the bleeding by having your young one gently bite down on gauze. Apply a cold compress to the mouth or jaw to reduce pain and swelling on the way to the emergency appointment.


If you need an emergency children’s dentist following a sports accident, get in touch with Alaska Dentistry for Kids. This pediatric dentist provides teeth cleanings, fillings, tongue-tie treatment, special needs care, and emergency attention to kids of all ages throughout Anchorage and the surrounding area. Call (907) 274-2525 to schedule an appointment and visit the website to learn more about the kid-friendly team.
