
Private wells provide an excellent source of clean and potable water for your home without you having to rely on the municipal supply. However, under certain circumstances, your residential water system can become contaminated, which can lead to health concerns. To prevent this, owners should invest in professional water analysis annually or if there is a change in quality. 

4 Reasons to Schedule Water Well Testing

1. Prevent Illness 

Flooding and runoff are two common means by which your well may become contaminated with harmful microbes. Therefore, arrange for testing after a severe weather event. When a residential water system expert examines the water, they’ll check for coliform bacteria and nitrates. If found, they’ll shock your well with chlorine to purify the water and keep you from getting sick. 

2. Improve Smell & Taste 

residential water systemIf your water has an unpleasant odor that resembles rotten eggs, your well may contain bacteria. If the water runs orange or brown and has a metallic taste, it may contain heavy metals like copper, arsenic, and lead. Hire a drilling contractor to test the water and install an activated carbon filter to remove harmful particles.

3. Balance the pH

Drinking water should typically have a pH of 7. Analysts will use test strips to measure the pH. If it’s too basic, they’ll add citric or acetic acid to balance it. If it’s too acidic, they’ll add calcium carbonate or sodium hydroxide. 

4. Combat Hard Water 

Though low amounts of magnesium and calcium typically don’t cause any issues, higher concentrations in your residential water system may result in dry skin and hair after repeated showers. Hard water also causes scaling on plumbing fixtures and cookware. Consider installing a softener to remove these excess minerals. 


Maintain your residential water system with help from the team at Anchorage Well & Pump Service, Inc. In business for over 40 years, they offer well system monitoring and maintenance, as well as pump testing, repair, and replacement to Alaskan clients. Call (907) 243-0740 to get an estimate or schedule an appointment. Visit the website to learn more about their offerings.
