
From combatting glare to preventing faded upholstery, window tinting offers a host of benefits for vehicles. However, it doesn’t last forever and will eventually need to be replaced to ensure optimal functionality. If you’re thinking about tinting your vehicle’s windows, here’s what you can expect regarding the longevity of this feature. 

A Car Owner’s Guide to Window Tinting

How Long Does Tinting Last?

Like other after-market features, the lifespan of window tinting depends on a variety of factors. The film’s overall quality, the materials it’s comprised of, how it was applied, how much sun it’s exposed to, and how often it’s cleaned will all play a part in how long it lasts.

Keep in mind that you get what you pay for when it comes to tinting. A cheap, low-grade film might only last a few months before it starts peeling, bubbling, or color-shifting. A high-end tint could last for a few years with proper care and maintenance. If you’re thinking about investing in window tinting, do some research to find films that come with a lifetime warranty. 

When Should Tints Be Replaced?

window tintingTints should be removed and replaced once they start exhibiting visible signs of wear, like cracking or scratching. Air pockets are also a sign that a tint has reached the end of its lifespan. As the film ages, it loses its adhesive properties, which causes it to pull away from the glass.

Uneven discoloration calls for replacement, as well. The color will fade over time, and once it becomes noticeable, it will no longer provide adequate protection from ultraviolet rays. 

To extend the longevity of your window tinting, avoid applying ammonia-based cleaners. When possible, park under sheltered or shaded spaces to limit sun exposure. Always handle your seatbelt with care. If you’re not careful, it could bounce off the window and scratch the film. 


If you want to add a new tint—or replace an old one—on your vehicle, you can count on DentKO Auto Hail, PDR & Window Tints - Dents Removal. Serving customers across the greater St. Louis, MO, area, they specialize in window tinting and paintless dent repair. For total convenience, they even offer a pickup/drop-off service for their elderly clients. To learn more about their window tinting services, visit their website or call (314) 895-8468. 
