
When you’re pushing yourself to meet your fitness goals, an injury can be a disheartening setback. While common, it’s possible to prevent exercise-related ailments with a bit of caution and preparation. Use these three tips to stay safe and avoid losing momentum during your wellness journey.

How to Prevent Exercise Injuries

1. Always Start With a Warmup

The muscles and ligaments within the body work best when the blood is circulating and your heart rate is elevated. However, your body wasn’t designed to go from the couch to the running track in a matter of minutes—it needs time to build up to this state of optimal performance.

Begin each workout with a warmup to stretch out muscles, engage your core, and raise your heart rate. This allows blood vessels to deliver oxygen to the limbs, preventing common injuries caused by overexertion, such as sprains and muscle tears.

2. Know When to Rest

fitnessAlways pay attention to how you feel during your fitness routine. If, at any point, you notice a soreness or shooting pain, stop what you’re doing and rest. If you experienced knee pain during a lunge, take the time to assess and determine if you need to end your workout early and elevate your leg.

Once your leg is elevated, apply ice, and postpone your next workout for at least 24 hours. If the pain persists, see a medical professional before returning to a fitness regimen. When you allow an injury to heal from the very start, you can drastically reduce the recovery period and prevent a chronic ailment.

3. Get a Professional’s Supervision

In many cases, exercise injuries are the result of improper form. However, unless you’ve studied the science behind these fitness moves, you may not know if a posture or position is causing unnecessary strain on your body.

Hire a personal trainer so you have a professional’s eyes on you throughout the workout. They can stop you if your body is misaligned, which could lead to serious injuries like dislocations. This way, you can stay on track with your fitness goals without having to second-guess yourself.


When you’re ready to start working towards a healthier, more confident you, reach out to Affirmation Fit in Alton, IL. Professional personal trainer, Sarah Herren, will come up with a customized fitness plan to target your goals and prevent you from injuries. From one-on-one workouts to nutrition programs, you can rely on her expertise for well-rounded results. To learn more about this certified trainer, visit the website, or call (618) 670-5471 and schedule your free consultation.
