
People are taught to stay away from sweets, as the sugars can coat tooth enamel and cause cavities to develop. Although there are plenty of items in the candy aisle that should stay on the off-limits list, the right kind of chewing gum is not one of them. As a dentist will tell you, chewing sugarless gum can actually protect your oral health in the following ways. 

How Chewing Sugarless Gum Can Help Teeth

1. Increases Saliva Production

The flavors in sugarless gum stimulate saliva flow. The normal flow rate of 0.3-0.4 mL/min increases 10 to 12 times while chewing gum. The saliva can wash away food residue and neutralize the acids that form from bacteria and plaque. Neutralizing the pH of the acids can prevent cavities from forming and also keep plaque-induced gum disease at bay. 

2. Keeps Breath Fresh

High-Point-North-Carolina-cavitiesThe bacteria that cause cavities can also give breath an unpleasant aroma. Sugarless chewing gum contains xylitol. This sweetener has antibacterial properties to eliminate the bacteria that lead to tooth decay and bad breath. The act of chewing also dislodges food residue in tooth crevices before it can deteriorate, produce a bad odor, and break down enamel. 

3. Strengthens Tooth Enamel

Saliva not only washes away bacteria, but it also contains substances to keep the enamel strong. Teeth absorb the calcium, fluoride, and phosphate in saliva. These nutrients supplement the minerals lost from erosion to rebuild tooth strength. 


Beyond chewing sugarless gum, the dentists at High Point Smile Dentistry will recommend other habits to keep teeth healthy and cavities at bay between appointments. Boasting more than 15 years of experience, the High Point, NC-based dental staff provides teeth cleaning to remove plaque and tartar to prevent cavities and periodontal disease. They also provide cosmetic and restorative dental services to make patients proud of their smiles and prevent discomfort. For a dentist appointment, call (336) 884-4000. View new patient forms online.
