
Most people know that smoking is bad for their health. However, tobacco products don’t just impact your lungs; they can also harm your teeth, gums, and mouth. In addition to keeping up a daily oral hygiene routine and making regular trips to the dentist, quitting smoking can be an important part of maintaining a healthy mouth. Use the following guide to review how cigarettes can affect your oral health.

4 Oral Health Effects of Smoking

1. Tooth Decay

The chemicals in cigarettes can impede saliva production. Saliva is responsible for washing away bacteria from food and other materials, so this change can lead to more plaque and tartar buildup on the teeth. Even with a thorough oral hygiene routine, a lack of saliva can result in cavities and tooth loss.

2. Gum Disease

Smoking negatively impacts the immune system, which can make infections more harmful. When bacteria from plaque and tartar get underneath the gums, they can cause infections that lead to pain, swelling, and receding gums.

A healthy immune system can often fight off these infections and heal the affected areas. However, smokers aren’t able to do this effectively due to weakened immune systems, so gum disease may progress faster.

3. Stained Teeth

dentistTobacco products contain tar and nicotine, which can build up on teeth. These substances contain pigment that can seep into the enamel. Over time, this may lead to permanent yellowing and discoloration.

4. Oral Cancer

Tobacco contains a variety of chemicals and even small amounts of radioactive materials. These substances have been proven to cause cancer in various parts of the body, including the lungs, throat, and mouth. Smoking cigarettes or pipes and chewing tobacco can all lead to oral cancer. 


In addition to quitting smoking, a proper hygiene routine and regular trips to the dentist are essential for oral health. St. Clair Dental Center in Anchorage provides a variety of general dentistry services, including oral exams, teeth cleanings, extractions, crowns, bridges, and dentures. Dr. Richard Wells Mittelstadt and his team provide personalized care plans and comfortable service for all patients. Visit the website for a full list of services. To make an appointment with an experienced dentist, call (907) 272-9214.
