
Having a windshield free of cracks and chips allows you to see clearly while driving. That’s why more drivers are relying on GlassParency® to give their auto glass long-term protection from the elements. Below is more information about how this treatment keeps your auto glass looking clear and beautiful.

How GlassParency Works

GlassParency is a hydrophobic treatment that improves driver visibility by repelling dirt, rain, snow, and oil. This is possible because the chemical application reacts with your windshield glass and creates a strong bond within the silica’s pores. When this happens, debris and precipitation cannot penetrate and stick to the glass, preventing it from obscuring your view.

auto glassApplying GlassParency requires a one-time, multi-step application. First, technicians will thoroughly clean your windshield. This removes any contaminants on the surface and within the pores that might prevent the coating from bonding completely.

Then, they will apply the first chemical—known as chemical A—to seal the silica’s pores and increase the clarity of the auto glass. After this, they layer chemical B on top of chemical A to form an ultra-hydrophobic shield that repels moisture and debris.

Benefits of GlassParency

Increased Safety

You’ll never have to worry about losing vision during inclement weather. GlassParency can increase driver reaction time up to 34% as a result of the increased visibility through significant rain, snow, sleet, and high winds. This coating also reduces glare because the silica’s sealed pores make your auto glass clearer, preventing light distortion.

Easy Maintenance

Taking care of your car will also be significantly easier. Aside from repelling moisture on the road, GlassParency also protects your windshield’s surface from hard water stains, mineral spots, and road debris damage. Also, unlike most window treatments, GlassParency lasts for at least three years. It only requires a rejuvenation treatment once every three months to ensure that the coating is fresh and ready.


If GlassParency interests you, allow Capital Auto Glass in Lincoln, NE, to protect your visibility. Their specialists provide essential windshield and window services including chip and crack repairs, glass replacements, and headlight restoration. The auto glass repair shop is also an authorized GlassParency installer. For a free quote, call (402) 421-6653. Visit the website for more information about their services.
