
As the nights grow colder and the days grow shorter, new insects and pests come out of the woodwork. Just because the summer heat has left doesn’t mean the bugs are gone. In the fall and winter, it’s still just as important to spray your house for pests. You deserve to have a protected house 365 days a year, with a reliable rodent control and bug problem professional at hand to service your home when you need it. That’s why Arab Termite and Pest Control of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, Ohio is a year-round exterminator. The fall and winter are trying times for a few particular insects, including:

  • Aphids: Lady bug beetles and other aphid predators head to other climates for the winter, and so aphids increase in frequency. Aphids leave a honeydew secretion behind, which can be difficult to wash off of cars and the outside of your home.
  • Butterfly Pupae: They spend the winter and fall in sheltered areas and will emerge as butterflies in the spring.
  • Tomato Hornworm: They’ll stay buried several inches deep in the ground to remain protected from the cold. Kill them in the winter to protect your garden in the spring.
  • Cutworms: You’ll find these partially grown caterpillars in the soil or fallen leaves. Arab Termite and Pest Control of Cincinnati can make sure these stay outside of your warm house.
  • Yellow Jackets: In the fall and winter, yellow jackets hide in protected areas such as under bark and around buildings. Arab Termite and Pest Control of Cincinnati will keep them away from your house, sheds, and garage.
  • Flies: In the winter, flies seek warmth by invading your home and finding cracks and other hiding places to stay away from the cold.
  • Spiders: Spiders produce their eggs in the fall. If you don’t want hundreds of baby spiders come spring, Arab Termite and Pest Control of Cincinnati should be called to exterminate any nests.

In the winter, many bugs and pests can look for safety and shelter within your home. If you’re concerned about rodent control or other bug problems, you need to call Arab Termite and Pest Control of Cincinnati today. They’ll take care of your issue at the point of infestation so you can get back to your life. Call (513) 385-3430 today or visit them online
