
When spending more time at home, it's easy for your electric bills to rise. Luckily, there are simple ways to cut back and save money without sacrificing any comfort. Before calling an electrical contractor for more involved changes, take the following steps today.

Easy-to-Implement Energy-Saving Tips

1. Unplug Devices & Appliances Between Use

Even when they're off, devices like your phone chargers and TVs continue to draw energy as long as they're plugged in. Each year, these "energy vampires" can cost you around $165, which may be as much as a full month of electricity. Plugged appliances are also at higher risk of being damaged during power surges, so be sure to unplug devices and tools in between use.

2. Turn Off the Lights

electrical contractorIf you're planning a renovation soon, have your electrical contractor change your fluorescent lamps to energy-efficient LED lights. You can also discuss installing smart switches, which automatically turn off the lights when you leave. Until then, make it a habit to turn off the lights whenever you leave a room. As these simple energy conservation measures pile up, they'll eventually make a noticeable difference in your electric bill.

3. Use Cold Water on Warm Days

Heating water accounts for around 17% of residential energy consumption. While you're definitely going to need your water heater during Wisconsin's chilly months, you can give it a break once summer sets in. Also, consider going for quick cold showers every once in a while to reap health benefits while lowering your utility bills.


If you’d like to improve your home’s efficiency even further, contact the electrical contractors at E-Con Electric in Wisconsin Rapids, WI. Whether you’re installing modern, energy-efficient appliances or looking for motion sensors that’ll keep your electrical bills down, these professionals can help. With over 50 years of experience serving residential clients throughout a 60-mile radius, you can trust their team to meet your needs in a timely, up-to-code fashion. Call (715) 423-8440 today for a free estimate, or learn more about their services online.
