
Figuring out who gets child custody in a Kentucky divorce case isn’t always easy. From filing the necessary paperwork to evaluating their current lifestyle, the court takes several factors into account before deciding what is best for the child. Thankfully, with a little insight, you can know what to expect and better prepare. Consider the following to determine where to start.

FAQ About Child Custody

What happens if paternity is uncertain?

It means that the other party cannot be made to pay child support. If he willingly undergoes a paternity test or voluntarily acknowledges his status, then the parents can sign an Affidavit of Paternity and file it with the Kentucky Office of Vital Statistics. Otherwise, the court may order a test to figure out how best to proceed.

How does the court set child support?

It’s based on the parents’ gross income as well as the number of children. Once the court runs the calculations, they’ll divide the payments equally between each in accordance with their income.

child custodyThese may include alimony, maintenance, and child support. If necessary, parents will also have to share work-related child care and health insurance. Taxes are not deducted.

What happens if one parent stops making payments?

File a report with the court. They’ll check to ensure that the other person is currently employed and earning the same amount as when child support was set. Parents who are unwilling to find the necessary work could be made to pay an amount that’s based upon what the court thinks they should be earning.

Will the parent who gets child support receive full custody?

Not exactly. In addition to setting regular payments, the court also has to determine who will provide the healthiest lifestyle for the child. This means performing a thorough home inspection as well as interviewing family members, close friends, and co-workers.

After gathering the information, the judge will set up a partial or full custody order, depending on the level of care that each parent can provide.


If you’re filing for divorce, reach out to Lonneman & Associates, PLLC in Elizabethtown, KY. With more than 30 years of experience, this full-service law firm is one of the best in town. Their attorneys practice in a wide range of specialties, including child custody, bankruptcy, and criminal defense, and tailor their services to suit every need. They are skilled in mediation and will use the process to protect your rights. Call (270) 765-2190 to schedule a free consultation or visit their website for a full list of services.
