
Visiting your family dentist at least twice a year prevents gum disease. Without the required preventive maintenance, bacteria and plaque buildup causes gum inflammation. The most common treatment for gum disease is scaling and root planing. If you’re experiencing issues with your gums, it’s helpful to understand the ins and outs of this procedure.

What You Should Know About Scaling & Root Planing

What is scaling and root planing?

The first step in this procedure is scaling, where the doctor removes tartar that has accumulated on the surface of the tooth and below the gumline. This is necessary because tartar has bacteria that irritate the gums and makes it harder to brush and floss your teeth efficiently.

Once the scaling has been completed, root planing is performed. This is where the infected tooth structures are eliminated, and the root surface is smoothed to promote healthy gum reattachment.

Why is this treatment needed?

Family DentistUnless the problem is treated, gum disease can cause severe problems for your health. It has been linked to an increased risk of stroke, diabetes, and heart disease.

Early signs of gum disease include chronic bad breath, gums that bleed during brushing, and tartar buildup along the gumline. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, schedule a cleaning appointment with your family dentist.

What tools are used?

Different dental care providers use different tools for scaling and planing. Some prefer to remove the plaque from the teeth manually. In these cases, they use a dental scaler and a curette. These tools are used to examine the surface of the teeth, identify rough spots that indicate tartar buildup, and remove it.

Other providers use an ultrasonic scaling device. This instrument removes tartar and plaque using a vibrating metal tip.

Is the procedure painful?

Scaling and root planing is basically a more thorough version of the regular dental cleanings you receive during your bi-annual appointments. While it is a largely painless experience, your individual pain tolerance and level of gum inflammation can affect the discomfort. If you do experience any pain, a local anesthetic can be used to numb the area while treatment is taking place.


Avoid the need for scaling and root planing by making regular visits to the dentists at PdC Dentistry, S.C. As one of the most trusted dental care providers in Prairie du Chien, WI, their talented team is dedicated to protecting the health of your teeth and gums. These family dentists use state-of-the-art equipment to diagnose potential problems and have the experience needed to provide efficient and reliable solutions. Visit them online to learn more, or call (608) 326-8458 to schedule an appointment.