
Having a private well in your new home ensures that you’ll have a steady water supply all year round. However, you may have a few apprehensions when it comes to maintaining one. Contrary to common misconceptions, doing so isn’t difficult, especially if you work with a trusted well services contractor. Below are some more tips to follow.


Have it inspected regularly.

Like most home systems, your private well also requires routine maintenance and inspection. Every year, you need to have an experienced well services technician examine all components of your water well system, such as the well cap, casing, and pump, for signs of damage. They will check the condition of every part and recommend replacements or repairs as needed. Sometimes, they will survey the surrounding area to check for potential contamination coming from the septic tanks, drain field, and underground fuel storage.  

Keep possible contaminants away.

When you own a private well, you must store all potential contaminants as far away as possible from the water source. Always place toxic chemicals, solvents, cleaning materials, pesticides, and fertilizers a good distance away from the water well. If you need to dilute chemicals with water, avoid leaving the water hose inside the container as it may cause the mixture to flow back into the well.


Skip testing for water quality.

well servicesAlways pay attention to how your water looks, tastes, and smells—anything unusual is a sign that quality has deteriorated. Make it a point to have the water tested annually for coliform bacteria, high nitrate levels, and local contaminants, such as radon and arsenic. If there was a recent flood or increased incidents of gastrointestinal illnesses, consider testing the water as well.

Fix issues on your own.

Even without the help of a well services professional, you can still inspect your private well. Look out for a misplaced cover and damaged parts, but refrain from fixing these by yourself. Instead, leave the repairs, no matter how trivial, to a licensed technician since they have the equipment and experience to do so.  


For top-notch well services, turn to the professionals at Hartmann Well Drilling & Service. Proudly serving the community across New Prague, MN, this well-drilling company provides an extensive range of private well-related services, including water testing, well repair, and water line installation. Call (952) 758-2202 or visit the website to learn more about offered water well services.
