
As summer comes to a close and temperatures start to cool, it’s time to put your shorts and tank tops away for the season and swap warm-weather attire for cozier pieces. From doing the laundry to putting items into storage, here’s what you should do to make a seamless transition to your fall wardrobe.

How to Switch to Your Fall Clothes

1. Do Laundry

Don’t simply toss your summer clothes into a storage box and put them away for the year. You’ll be grateful that you ran clothes through the laundry when it’s time to wear them again next year.

If unnoticed stains are allowed to set into clothes during the offseason, the pieces may be ruined. Washing clothes can help fabrics retain their softness and will ensure that they look their best when next summer arrives.

2. Dry Clean Clothing

laundryNot all clothing is safe in the washing machine. Whether you’re putting summer garments into storage or taking fall clothes out, now is the time to take those select items to the dry cleaner. This may include items like delicate cashmere sweaters, wool coats, dresses, and sports coats.

Once they’re clean, hang what you don’t need for the season in storage bags to keep them free of dust.

3. Purge Some Items

As you go through the clothes that you’ve taken out or are putting away, be mindful of items that you may not really wear ever again. Whatever the reason, consider whether these pieces have functional roles in your wardrobe. If not, you can give them away instead.

4. Organize Your Closet

Just as important as figuring out what to keep is figuring out how to keep it. Organize your closet carefully so that you can easily find what you need. After you do laundry and dry clean your clothing, place your fall wardrobe neatly before you to determine the best way to sort it. You might want to color-coordinate everything, for example, or line all of the dresses up together.


Refresh your wardrobe with help from the experts at Tenax Town Cleaners in Canandaigua, NY. This reliable laundry and dry cleaner has served Ontario County since 1962 and will make sure that your clothing looks its best for the coming season. Ask about alteration services if you have some garments that need additional attention. Visit the website for more information or call (585) 394-9885 to speak with a representative.
