
People often think of changing creams and cleansers when updating their skin care routines. However, drinking adequate amounts of water can also contribute to healthier-looking skin. Here are some reasons that you should ensure that you’re staying hydrated.

4 Reasons Water Is Good for Your Skin 

1. Keeps It Moisturized

Many Midwesterners complain about dry skin from indoor heat during the winter-time. As skin cells dry out, they can make you itchy and fall off in flakes. Drinking adequate amounts of water can limit skin damage by keeping the cells hydrated, so they don’t itch.

Plus, you don’t have to rely on lotion as your only defensive skin care to mitigate the effects of dry indoor heat. People in this region regularly use humidifiers in their bedrooms at night to increase the water vapor in the room to hydrate their skin.

2. Improves Elasticity

skin careSkin must have ample water to remain healthy and bounce back when stretched out or pressed against. Drinking water can improve elasticity, making the skin able to stretch out without creating wrinkles and fine lines from aging or repetitive motions.

3. Evens Out the Tone

Up to 90 percent of blood plasma is water, which means more than half of the blood in your body is made of water. When you’re dehydrated, the blood is thick and can’t circulate as quickly, potentially making your skin look lighter or pale. Drinking more water will thin the blood and ensure it’s circulating throughout the body, giving you a rosy glow that makes your skin look healthy.

4. Reduces Symptoms of Skin Conditions

Eczema, also called atopic dermatitis, is a group of skin conditions that cause red, itchy skin that may last for many months or flare up repeatedly. Drinking water can reduce the likelihood of becoming dehydrated, which may dry out the skin and worsen eczema symptoms. People with eczema can avoid increased itching, redness, and patchiness by drinking extra water on hot days or during exercise. 


Individuals of all ages who are interested in skin care should visit Valley Skin & Medspa in the Southern Twin Cities, MN. The medical spa creates a soothing environment to learn about improving confidence through healthier skin. Call the Apple Valley-area skin care experts at (612) 419-8338 or visit the website for information on their services, like reducing acne scars and aging marks.
