
Losing your car keys while running errands or visiting friends is never a pleasant experience. In addition to setting your schedule behind, losing your keys may leave you stranded until help arrives. Here are a handful of tricks you can use to help you find them before calling a locksmith

4 Steps to Take After Losing Your Car Keys

1. Look Inside the Vehicle 

When you lose your keys, there’s a good chance they may be locked inside your vehicle. If you have a spare, unlock the vehicle and search beneath and between seats and in cupholders. If you don’t have a spare, look through the windows to see if you notice the keys on the seats or floor or in the side pockets.

2. Remain Calm While Searching Bags

locksmithIt’s easy to feel panicked if you cannot immediately locate missing keys. Stay calm and take deep breaths so that you can perform a thorough search of your personal items.

Look through your purse, briefcase, or backpack, paying special attention to inner pockets and hidden compartments. If you’re in a safe place to do so, empty the contents onto a table, so you don’t miss anything.

3. Retrace Your Steps

Think about where you were when you last remember having your keys and go back to that place. Follow your path from there to any other places you went, and carefully scan each area. Pay particular attention to cluttered shelves and countertops, as it can be easy to miss small items like keys amid the visual chaos.

4. Gather Vehicle Information

If you need to call a locksmith, determine whether you have a traditional key, transponder, or keyless remote. This will let your locksmith know what type of replacement to make.

Additionally, locate your car’s vehicle identification number (VIN), which can be found at the base of the windshield or on your insurance card or registration certificate. The VIN helps the technician ensure that the replacement matches your exact door lock.


The next time you misplace your keys and cannot recover them, contact Richmond Hill Locksmith. This 24-hour mobile locksmith offers lockout solutions and rekeying to drivers throughout Bryan County, GA. Call (912) 727-3878 anytime to schedule service for your vehicle, home, or business, and visit the website to learn more about the process of having keys made.
