
Natural light provides a reliable and comforting way to illuminate the interior of any business. Whether through storefront glass, office windows, or a showroom skylight, light from the outdoors offers a number of benefits to customers and employees alike. Below, learn about a few of these benefits in more detail, as well as some ways to increase natural light exposure in your place of business.

Why Natural Light Is Important

The sun is a dependable—and free—source of light that you can count on every day. Even when it's not a sunny day, the sun still brightens the sky and sends light through your business's windows. The sun is a primary source of vitamin D, which helps improve mood and boost energy. This can make customers feel more comfortable and employees more productive and happier in their jobs.

storefront glassIncreased exposure to natural daylight can reduce eyestrain and eye fatigue for employees who work on computers all day. Letting in the sun keeps interiors warmer and more pleasant, a significant benefit for Alaskan businesses. Also, natural light through storefront glass just feels better than harsh overhead lighting. It creates a sense of flow between the outdoors and the indoors, bringing a touch of nature and serenity into a business's interior.

Ways to Increase Natural Light

To expose your business to more natural light, install storefront glass, wider windows, or glass doors. Keep these surfaces clean and clear, and position workspaces or customer-facing features, like checkouts and displays, within 25 feet of the glass, if possible.

Consider painting your interior walls in lighter colors—light colors reflect light energy, while darker colors absorb it, so the whole space will naturally feel lighter. Create an open floor plan for the business so light doesn't get trapped in certain rooms for parts of the day.


When you need to enhance the natural light in a commercial space, Statewide Door & Glass can help. Since 1992, they have been serving the Anchorage, Wasilla, and Kenai, AK, region. They offer a variety of commercial glass solutions, including storefront glass, automatic sliding doors, and skylights. These experts work on both new constructions and existing structures, and they’re happy to provide maintenance and repair services. Call (907) 562-2074 or visit them online to request a quote.
