
To protect themselves and their passengers, drivers must invest in a minimum amount of auto insurance by law. While the monthly premiums can seem expensive, the costs aren’t fixed. With the right strategies, drivers can decrease their rates quickly and over time.   

How Can You Keep Your Auto Insurance Premiums Low? 

1. Maintain Your Credit History

Many factors determine how much your monthly auto insurance policy will be. One of the most significant factors is credit history. Providers have found that those with good credit file fewer claims. Be sure to pay your bills on time, keep balances as low as possible, and consistently check your rating to ensure a better price when it’s time for new insurance. 

2. Buy the Right Car

Auto InsurancePremiums are partly determined by the car’s price, general repair costs, safety record, and the likelihood of theft. While there isn’t a single car brand that guarantees low rates, there are car types that are guaranteed to increase them. While unerringly beautiful, sports cars from any auto company will have higher rates. 

Look for safety features for discounts. Cars that have amenities that reduce the likelihood of injuries and theft are often open to discounts. An insurance agent will have a definitive list of the safety features that provide the most savings. Features to look out for include anti-lock brakes, airbags in the passenger and rear seats, and a reliable security system. 

3. Shop for Quotes

Companies have different costs and offer various discounts. Schedule a meeting with an insurance agent. They’ll use their experience and relationships with established providers to quickly develop a list of quotes that are in your budget but still provide the coverage you need. 

4. Bundle Your Policies

Most providers offer discounts when buying two or more insurance policies from them. Having more than one vehicle under the same provider can reduce your rates, as can bundling your homeowners and auto insurance plans. While some insurers reduce the rates for loyal customers, bundling may offer cheaper prices if you switch.

5. Search for Other Discounts

Providers offer many different options. One of the most common discounts is passing a defensive driving course. Even if you’re an experienced driver, completing one of these safety courses will entitle you to a quick discount. 

Safety is often the key to discounts. Going several years without any moving violations or accidents can lead to lower premiums. Cars with low annual mileage are also open to discounts, as they’re less likely to be involved in accidents. 


Not every driver is as safe on the road as you are. Before leasing or purchasing a new vehicle, reach out to Ohio Insurance Center Agency to protect it. Based in Cincinnati, OH, they’ve provided customized and affordable plans to drivers throughout the state. They’ll search for the best rate to meet your needs, and even help you get insured if you’ve been turned down before. For more information on their auto insurance policies, visit their website. To schedule a free quote, call (513) 522-6300.
