
There are a few factors to keep in mind if you’re sewing costumes for ballet or dance performers. Even if you’re not new to this type of project, refreshing your mind with some pointers can help you provide better costumes to your performers. Here are ways you can improve upon the costumes you design and create.

4 Tips for Designing & Sewing Dance Costumes

1. Remember You’re Not Making One Costume

As you start designing the costumes that your performers will wear, remember that you’re not creating just one costume. The design, materials, and accessories that make up the costume should complement all the performers, so they can each play their parts without feeling restricted by their outfits. This may require providing a little more coverage to ensure all of the performers aren’t showing more than they feel comfortable revealing. If the performers must wear bras with their outfits, placing extra sashes around the shoulders can help conceal straps.

2. Avoid Loud Designs

Even though it’s exciting to use your sewing machine to create lavish outfits, dancers won’t want to wear costumes that are especially loud or busy. Intricate patterns will distract the audience and, even with fit dancers, loud patterns can be unflattering. It’s better to use solid colors with clear lines that define the dancer’s form. As a rule of thumb, you should use no more than three distinct colors to create any costume.

3. Choose Colors & Fabrics Wisely Sewing

You should be mindful when selecting colors for the costumes you design. Some colors will look great on one dancer while having a very unflattering effect on a dancer with a different physique. Specifically, gold, nude, and the range of yellow shades should be avoided. Black and white go well together, or you can use bold, vibrant colors to ensure everyone on the stage will stand out.

4. Devote One Sewing Machine to the Task

You should have a specific machine that’s devoted to creating dance costumes and making necessary alterations. You should take it to a sewing machine repair service to have it looked over and, if necessary, tuned up before starting a new project. This will ensure it performs with more precision and efficiency, especially when making alterations in a hurry.


It can help to replace an older machine before you start sewing dance or ballet costumes. Located in Kalispell, MT, The Sewing Center sells quality machines and accessories in addition to offering lessons to hone your craft. They have been in the business for more than 30 years, so you can trust their friendly staff’s knowledge and expertise. Learn more about their services by visiting their website. If you have specific questions, you can call them at (406) 752-7058.
