
If you live in an area that routinely experiences tropical weather, hurricane shutters can protect your home. By adding them, you may even qualify for discounts on homeowner’s insurance. If you’re unfamiliar with these features, learn more about them below and determine which will be best for your home.

What Are Hurricane Shutters?

When a tropical storm hits, the winds can be strong enough to hurl debris and hail. In this situation, hurricane shutters act as durable shields that protect your windows and doors from damage. Once these features are in place, the debris will hit the shutter instead of breaking the windows and exposing your home to the elements.

Some people nail plywood to their windows, but this isn’t ideal. Driving nails into your window frames can cause damage to the wood that leads to rot. Additionally, plywood isn’t designed to withstand hurricane-strength winds, so it may snap and cause damage during a severe storm.

What Shutters Should You Use?


hurricane shuttersThese stylish shutters can be seen on many older homes. Typically made from heavy wood or metal, each shutter covers half of the window, creating a strong barrier when closed. These can be installed easily and, once in place, don’t need to be removed. Additionally, they can be designed to match the exterior of the home.


These shutters are typically metal, but you can also get them in polycarbonate—a thicker, more durable type of plastic. During pleasant weather, the shutters roll up and are stored in a box that’s affixed to the house just above the window. When storm weather is imminent, you can lower the shutters with the push of a button. In addition to the ease of use, these shutters are also beneficial because they provide protection against break-ins.

Storm Panel

A storm panel is a piece of metal or polycarbonate that’s large enough to cover a window or door completely. It sits on a track, so you can simply roll it into place and lock it into position. Storm panels are more cost-effective than permanent shutters, and they can easily be removed when not in use.


If you’re looking for ways to protect your home during storm season, professionally installed hurricane shutters may be the answer. Located in Wilmington, NC, Omega Glass can help you choose and install features that’ll offer your home the best protection. Additionally, they offer glass repair and installation services at reasonable rates. To learn more about their services, contact them online or call (910) 859-0805.
