
Depending on the size of the apartment or home, your children may be sleeping in the same room. While this strengthens the bond between young siblings, it can get challenging for your kids to share a space as they age. Here are a few ways to help your little ones enjoy their time together.

3 Tips to Helping Your Kids Share a Bedroom

1. Create Personal Space

Although they’re sharing a bedroom, each child should feel they have an area that’s theirs. Use bunk beds and give each of the kids a corner for a desk, lounge chair, or hangout space. Another option is to split the room equally and give them their own bed in their half. Help them feel in control of the living situation by asking which layout they prefer.

2. Adapt Bedtime Routines

apartmentEvening routines can be challenging if your kids have different bedtimes. After putting the younger sibling to sleep, start winding down the older one. They can read in bed, take a bath, or spend quiet time with you in the living room. If the older sibling tends to wake the younger one while settling in, encourage them to get ready elsewhere, like the bathroom.

3. Use White Noise

If you have a light sleeper, get them a white noise machine and place it on their nightstand. This soothing sound-maker will help drown out any noise the other child makes while they get into bed and wake up in the morning.


If your family needs more space, turn to Executive Estates Apartments in Fairbanks, AK. This community caters to low-income families, offering affordable one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartments. Residents will enjoy access to a fenced-in playground, basketball court, and picnic area. To find out how to apply, send a message online or call (907) 479-3655.
