
Shampooing and conditioning in the shower keep locks healthy and clean. But while this grooming routine has its benefits, it can also contribute to hair loss. If you’ve noticed more strands in the drain than usual, making some adjustments to your bathing habits may keep you from losing your hair prematurely. Here’s what to know about hair loss and showering—and what you can do to prevent the problem.  

What’s the Connection Between Showering & Hair Loss?

Showering itself is not a cause of hair loss. However, certain practices in the shower may contribute to the problem.

For example, staying in a shower too long may place stress on strands. Specifically, too much moisture can cause hair follicles to swell and result in breakage or weak growth. 

Showering with hard water is also a concern, as it causes minerals to build up on the scalp and hair. The mineral deposits can impair healthy growth patterns and contribute to breakage.

Another common problem is showering with water that’s too hot. In addition to drying out the scalp, excessively hot water can cause follicle inflammation. Apart from contributing to breakage, this inflammation can cause strands to miniaturize, which may cause thinning or baldness.  

How Can You Protect Your Hair in the Shower?

Although a hot shower can feel refreshing, it’s best to wash your hair with warm water. This temperature is more gentle on the strands and less likely to aggravate the follicles. When you rinse, turn the temperature down to a comfortable level of cool.

hair lossCheck your household water hardness using a DIY testing kit from a home improvement store. If it’s hard, you might want to have a water softener or filter installed to remove minerals.

Shampooing too much can strip your hair of its natural oils. Without these oils, your tresses may lose their luster or be more likely to break. Apply less shampoo to avoid this problem.

If you need to wash up but don’t need to shampoo or condition, consider putting on a shower cap. These devices will shield your head from the moisture, heat, and minerals that could contribute to hair loss. Wearing a cap can also save you time out of the shower, as you won’t have to dry your hair.


If changing up your showering habits isn’t enough to shield you from hair loss, contact the team at New-U in Rochester, NY. Specializing in non-surgical hair restoration, this clinic offers comprehensive services to address thinning and balding in both men and women. They provide laser therapy to revitalize your hair growth patterns to produce thicker and stronger strands. To learn more about their treatment options, visit this center online. Call (585) 272-7320 to book a free consultation.
