
While many individuals believe your mattress and bedding are the keys to a good night's sleep, in many cases, a pillow is just as important. It is not only responsible for providing comfort and helping you fall asleep, but also for maintaining your alignment and helping reduce pain and stiffness. Use the guide below to learn more about the benefits of latex and memory foam pillows to decide which is right for your needs. 

Memory Foam Pillows

Memory foam pillows were originally developed for NASA to improve sleep conditions aboard space shuttles. They are made with synthetic materials that contour to your body as the pillow warms, providing superior comfort that seamlessly adapts to any sleeping position. Memory foam is among the most popular pillow materials available and can be found in a variety of shapes, sizes, and thicknesses to fit all bedding sizes and sleep positions.

Memory foam pillows provide pressure point relief for those who sleep on their sides and improved spinal alignment for back-sleepers. They’re ideal for those who suffer from headaches, neck pain, and back pain.

While memory foam softens as it warms, it is somewhat stiffer than latex and may not be suitable for those who prefer a softer feel. It also retains more heat than latex, which is beneficial for those who sleep cold but can cause sweating in those who run hot.

Latex Pillows

beddingLatex pillows are made from natural latex derived from the sap of the rubber tree. They are hypoallergenic, free of dangerous chemicals, and typically sustainably sourced. This makes them an ideal choice for allergy sufferers and those who are eco-conscious.

Like memory foam, latex contours to the natural shape of your neck and spine, promoting a supportive, healthy sleep posture. Because latex is softer than memory foam, it is beneficial for side-sleepers, providing enough support to maintain a neutral position without being too firm. However, those who prefer a more firm pillow may find latex to be too soft.

The soft, flexible material also makes it a good choice for people who sleep on their stomachs, as the springy latex sinks in enough to provide neck support without triggering pressure points. Natural latex pillows are also highly breathable, helping to regulate body temperature better than memory foam without causing you to overheat.


Whether you sleep on your back, stomach, or side, Sleep Central in Minocqua, WI, will help you find the right pillow to promote a restful night's sleep. Since 1996, this family-owned and -operated business has provided a wide variety of high-quality pillows, bedding, and mattresses at prices you can afford. They also provide mattress delivery and removal services. Call (715) 356-3488 to speak with a friendly representative, or visit their website to learn more about their products. 
