
With so many different types of drain cleaning solutions on the market, most households have at least two different types in the utility closet. However, these products can be potentially dangerous if mixed together. To avoid injury while cleaning, remember these three hazardous product combinations.

Chemicals You Shouldn’t Mix While Cleaning a Drain

1. Bleach & Ammonia

Although these cleaners are effective on their own, mixing them can have some serious health repercussions. The mixture produces chloramines if poured down a drain, which are gases that may irritate your eyes, throat, and nose. 

After exposure to a mixture of bleach and ammonia, it is important to ventilate the room by opening windows or turning on a fan. It is also essential to seek assistance from a medical professional if you experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, or coughing after exposure.

2. Hydrogen Peroxide & Vinegar

Drain CleaningThese cleaners are safe to use by themselves, but are toxic when mixed in the same bottle. Together they form peracetic acid, which causes irritation of the skin, eyes, airways, and lungs. If you do use these two products to clean the same area, be sure to completely wipe the surface with a cloth to remove the first product before spraying the other product. 

3. Different Drain Cleaners

When one cleaner doesn’t unclog your drain, it can be tempting to try another brand right away. However, mixing different drain cleaning products may produce hazardous gases that rise in the drain. Although chlorine gas is common, it can be difficult to determine exactly which toxins will be produced due to the fact that formulations can differ drastically from brand to brand. 


If you are experiencing drain problems in your home, contact American Rooter in Watertown, CT. With 38 years of experience, this family-owned business provides assistance with clogged drains, sewer drain cleaning, and plumbing repair. Their team of 20 plumbers also offers 24-hour service for emergency drain problems. For more information about their services, visit them online. To schedule an appointment or speak with a team member about your drains, call (888) 863-4638 today. 
