
Although some types of residential HVAC maintenance are best left to an air conditioning contractor, changing the filter is one step that you can take on your own. Although it’s a relatively straightforward process, many homeowners neglect to take this step. That can have a detrimental impact on your system, forcing it to work harder to keep your home comfortable. Below are three key reasons to prioritize this task.

Why Change Your AC Filter?

1. Boost HVAC Efficiency

An efficient residential HVAC system not only keeps your home comfortable year-round but also contributes to reduced energy costs. Air filters are designed to prevent harmful particulates, like dust mites, mold spores, dirt, and other debris, from circulating around your home. When the filter becomes clogged, however, conditioned air won’t travel nearly as well. This puts the AC in a position of working even harder to cool your house, which in turn drives up your costs over time. Replacing the filter at least every three months, or more often if you own a pet, is the best way to prevent this.

2. Improve Allergy Relief

residential HVACIf you suffer from indoor allergies or a respiratory ailment, you need to take additional precautions to protect yourself from potential aggravators. Among the most common are contaminants like dust and mold, both of which air filters can capably trap. This ensures optimal indoor air quality. A filter blocked with particles, however, can only hold so much more before it ceases to filter any more contaminants. Changing the filter regularly is key to maintaining clean indoor air.

3. Ensure Cleaner Surfaces

While you still need to tidy up your home to eliminate dust, you may notice that it seems decidedly dustier when the air filter hasn’t been replaced in a while. More than just vital to the residential HVAC system’s performance, it also minimizes the dust, hair, and other particulates that might otherwise settle on surfaces and floors throughout your home. Putting in a new filter will spare you from cleaning the house more frequently than necessary.

Are you seeking a reliable AC contractor to inspect your residential HVAC system? Turn to the team at Concord Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. Proudly serving clients throughout Concord, NC, and surrounding areas since 1977, the company offers AC repairs, cooling and heating installation, and general HVAC repairs. Visit the website for more information, or call (704) 786-6608 to schedule an appointment.
