
Excessive water use can cause problems for a septic system. For instance, it can prevent the sludge and solid layers from fully separating, resulting in drain field clogs. Too much water also disrupts the microbial biome of the tank, affecting how quickly it processes waste. Therefore, it's important to reduce water consumption when you have an onsite waste treatment system. Here are some tips to help you protect your unit and the planet.

How Homeowners Can Conserve Water

1. Time Your Showers

Long showers are wasteful, so keep an alarm clock or timer in the bathroom to remind you to bathe more efficiently. Gradually shorten the time you spend showering to 15 minutes, which should be enough time to wash and rinse off.

Also, cut the flow while you lather your body and hair. If you want a long, relaxing soak, fill a bath instead of running a shower for a prolonged period.

2. Fill Up the Dishwasher

septicWhile some models come with half-load settings, most dishwashers use the same amount of water regardless of how many dishes are inside. Therefore, if you wait to run the appliance until all racks are filled, you conserve water by running fewer loads.

Pre-rinse dishes only when they contain dried-on food. Most manufacturers discourage pre-rinsing, with manuals suggesting users just scrape large chunks into the trash before loading dishes.

3. Have Low-Flow Appliances Installed

A traditional shower head uses 2.5 gallons of water per minute. With a low-flow replacement, you cut this by 1 gallon per minute or more. If you take five-minute showers, each person in the household could save 5 gallons every time they wash.

Low-flow toilets also use fewer resources, saving up to 1 gallon with each flush. Low-flow sink faucets are also available.


If you seek prompt, dependable septic services, contact Tri County Systems in Rochester, NY. Serving Monroe, Wayne, and Ontario counties, they offer septic inspections, maintenance, and repairs to ensure systems run efficiently. Their technicians also keep homeowners informed on how to best care for their units. Learn more about their work by visiting their website, or call (585) 467-2550 to schedule an appointment.
