
Whether you have a staff of remote workers or your employees are working virtually due to COVID-19 restrictions, video conferencing is a handy tool to keep productivity and morale up. Ensuring you have the right setup with your telecommunications company is the first step to ensure successful video conferences. Below are a few tips to consider.

How to Host a Successful Video Conference

1. Test Your Connection

Ensure you have a stable internet connection so your video call is not disrupted. Make sure your wireless router is unobstructed and in a central part of your home or office so the signal reaches across all areas.

Contact your telecommunications company so they can set up your business with fast connectivity and optimal bandwidth to support the audio and video for the duration of the conference. They will also ensure it is secure, especially if you are connecting wirelessly.

2. Plan Ahead

Before the conference, create an agenda of topics that will be covered and send it out to participants a few days in advance. Having a specific plan lets everyone know the purpose of the meeting and what they may need to prepare, such as notes, slides, and other materials.

3. Watch Time Zones

telecommunications companyYour remote team may be located all over the world. Select a time that takes into account varying time zones and is not too early or late for everyone involved. When sending out the meeting information, be clear about the time zone in the invite when listing the start time. For example, if you’re located on the East Coast, put “EST” after the meeting time, or “Eastern Standard Time.” 

4. Adjust Your Audio & Camera

Make sure your sound level is high enough so you can hear everyone clearly and your computer microphone is on. Sit in an area with ample lighting and make sure your camera is at an angle where your face is clearly displayed. Too high or low of an angle can make it hard for people to see you.

5. Check the Background

This is particularly necessary when conferencing from home or a public location. Make sure the background is tidy and organized, and check that there is nothing in the frame you wouldn’t want everyone to see.

Sit in front of a neutral wall with simple decorations so there are no distractions. Turn off televisions, radios, fans, and anything else that can create noise in the background. If you aren’t speaking, consider muting your microphone. 


When you need a reliable telecommunications company to set up video conferencing or a business phone system, call Insight Direct. Located in Hillsborough, NC, their team of experts offers everything you need for a productive day in the comfort of your home or office. From IT support to VoIP, they can customize your options to suit your company’s specific needs. To begin, call (919) 245-7881 or visit them online for their FAQ page.
