
When tartar turns into tooth decay, your dentist may need to perform a cavity filling. If it advances without treatment, they might schedule a root canal. For patients, this treatment isn’t much different from a filling, and its benefits will be even more rewarding. Use the following frequently asked questions to learn more before your appointment.

What You Should Know About Root Canals

Why do I need one?

After a physical examination and X-rays, your dentist may recommend a root canal if a tooth is cracked, or if decay or infection has spread to the pulp and nerves deep inside. If you’ve had a cavity filled and the filling has fallen out multiple times, a dentist may suggest this procedure.

What happens during the procedure?

Your dentist will extract the pulp of the tooth, or the nerves that lie inside the root canal. Since every tooth can have multiple roots and one or two canals in each, the scope of your procedure will depend on the spread of the decay or infection.

After removing the affected pulp, your dentist has to clean out, smooth, and fill the canal like a large cavity. Finally, a sealant is used to shield the tooth from further decay, and a crown may be placed on top at a later appointment.

Why is this the best solution?

dentistRoot canals are a restorative solution that most dentists use to prevent tooth loss. If you postpone a root canal, your tooth may fall out on its own. You can also have a dentist extract it for you.

However, removing a permanent or “adult” tooth will cause the rest of your teeth to shift, closing in on the gap and resulting in a crooked smile. Not only is this a cosmetic issue, but it could also result in jaw bone deterioration and further tooth decay.

What should I expect from the recovery process?

After your root canal, you can expect to feel soreness or an aching sensation in the affected tooth and surrounding gums. This will last for around three days and can be alleviated with over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen. Eat soft foods during this period, such as soup and smoothies.


Should you need a root canal, make an appointment with Comfort Family Dentistry of Cohoes, NY. Dr. Thomas M. Patregnani will answer all of your questions and concerns before moving forward with the procedure, so you can proceed with peace of mind. He has over 35 years of experience as a family dentist and regularly performs a variety of general, restorative, and cosmetic procedures. To learn more about this trusted practice, visit them online. You can also schedule an appointment by calling (518) 235-3862.
