
When you are trying to get to know a potential romantic interest better, going out for coffee is a perfect, casual date. It gives you the chance to talk in an inviting setting without a long time commitment. However, if you’re still nervous about the meet-up, the following guide offers tips for making a connection.

How to Help Your Coffee Date Go Smoothly

1. Be Present

Unless you have to remain totally accessible for work, put your phone on vibrate or silent, and try to go the entire date without looking at it. Giving your partner your undivided attention will let them know just how much you care. It will also allow you to have a more engaging conversation and pay attention to their body language. 

2. Ask Open-Ended Questions 

coffeeTo keep the conversation flowing naturally, avoid asking questions that can be answered with one word. For example, instead of asking what they do for a job, you can ask how they got involved in that line of work. Instead of inquiring about their favorite book, try to understand what parts of it they find engaging and why. Don’t interrupt, but make sure to offer your own thoughts after they respond. 

3. Share an Indulgent Treat

If you both happen to have a sweet tooth, get a pastry or two to share with your coffee. This can give you something to do with nervous hands. Additionally, people tend to remember moments more when they are attached to certain smells. Therefore, if you choose to split a cinnamon bun between you, the next time they catch a whiff of those same aromas, it might help bring you to the forefront of their mind.


Are you wondering where to go for your coffee date? Joe Maxx Coffee in Las Vegas, NV, is open seven days a week. In addition to mouthwatering beverages—both hot and iced varieties—they boast fresh bagels, decadent pastries, and hearty breakfast sandwiches. To browse their expansive menu, visit their website. If you have any questions, call (702) 655-6120. 
