
You can get a lot of the vitamins your body needs from a balanced diet, but a busy lifestyle sometimes makes healthy eating difficult. In some cases, you also need to eat a considerable amount of certain foods to get the nutrients you need. That’s why vitamin supplements can be helpful to anyone, and especially those with any of the following signs of deficiencies.

Signs You Have a Vitamin Deficiency

1. Bone Pain

Vitamin D regulates calcium and phosphate in the body, and is essential for healthy bones and teeth. Only a limited number of foods contain it, and in small amounts, so it comes primarily from sunlight. It’s not easy for most people to get enough sunlight exposure and expose themselves to the sun safely, which is why health professionals often recommend supplements. A deficiency can lead to bone pain, and children may experience bone deformities, such as rickets.

2. Poor Oral Health

vitaminsVitamin C deficiency can lead to oral problems, such as bleeding gums and even tooth loss. This vitamin is also essential in boosting the immune system and helping the body heal wounds. Although it's possible to get enough by eating five or six fruits and vegetables every day, many people find this difficult to manage, which is why supplements are so useful.

3. Inadequate Vision at Night

Vitamin A helps form rhodopsin, a light-sensitive pigment that's responsible for night-vision. When you don't get enough vitamin A, your night-vision may worsen over time and progress to night-blindness. This could result in a condition called xerophthalmia, which causes corneal ulcers and even blindness. Good sources of vitamin A include meat, poultry, eggs, and fruits and vegetables.


If you want to avoid health problems related to vitamin deficiency, supplements are an easy and effective way to get the nutrients you need. One Nation Nutrition in Wentzville, MO, offers a variety of daily supplements, along with sports nutrition and diet management solutions. Call (636) 385-6868 to speak to a member of their team about your needs, or visit them online for more information about their products.
