
Many kids like sweets, and while you don’t want to deprive them of the goodies they love, you should establish a balance to support their oral health. Sugary foods feed bacteria, so swap their cookies and cakes for healthier alternatives. Here are a few treats to introduce into their diet to avoid cavities and a trip to the pediatric dentist.

3 Sweet Alternatives for Kids

1. Dark Chocolate

Since sugar fuel the bacteria that cause decay, find ways to cut back on it. If your child likes chocolate, substitute their milk and white chocolate treats with a dark variety. Although dark chocolate contains less sugar, you should still serve it alongside a glass of water to help your youngster rinse away the residue.

2. Fruit

While all fruit is healthy, apples and strawberries are particularly beneficial for teeth. These fruit boost saliva production to naturally wash away cavity-causing bacteria.

pediatric dentistServe fruit in a fun way by slicing their favorites to create a tasty salad. You can also cut them into fun shapes, like stars and hearts, or skewer them on a kebob for a different eating experience. If your little one isn’t open to eating fruit, mix it into a smoothie by combining it with ice, nut butter, and almond milk.

3. Yogurt

This dairy product contains calcium, so it’ll fortify your little one’s teeth. While there are many flavors available, opt for plain varieties since they likely contain the least amount of sugar. To make the yogurt more exciting for your child, add granola, a dash of cinnamon, and colorful fruit to the bowl to make a dessert-like creation.


In addition to serving your little one healthy snacks, continue scheduling their regular appointments with a pediatric dentist. The team at Kapolei Keiki Dental helps parents throughout Oahu maintain their children’s teeth by performing thorough cleanings and exams. These pediatric dentists will help you devise preventative tactics to implement at home to support your youngster’s oral development. For more information about their services, visit them online or call (808) 944-1020.
