
All cooling systems produce condensation when operating. As long as your air conditioner is functioning as it should, though, this moisture byproduct won’t be noticeable because it will flow down the drain line and away from the unit. If you do notice a leak, however, you shouldn’t just chalk it up to condensation because the issue could be more serious. Here’s a closer look at the most common causes. 

Why Is Your Air Conditioner Leaking?

1. Improper Installation 

If the unit happens to be brand-new and you notice a leak shortly after turning it on, the installers may be to blame. There are a few issues that can inhibit operations from day one, causing water to pool.

For example, the drainpipe fittings may not have been secured properly. When this happens, they can be jarred loose and leak water through the ceiling or onto the floor. A reputable heating and cooling contractor will take a look at your installation and make any necessary adjustments. 

2. Thawing Evaporator Coil 

If an AC doesn’t receive periodic maintenance, the evaporator coil will eventually freeze due to a drop in pressure. Both low refrigerant levels and a dirty filter can cause ice to form on this integral coil.

coolingAs the ice melts, it will drip into the drain pan until it overflows. To prevent the evaporator coil from freezing and thawing repeatedly, change the filter before it gets so clogged with debris that its block the airflow. You should also schedule a seasonal tuneup, during which the technician will top off the refrigerant or identify a leak in the coolant line. 

3. Clogged Condensate Line 

Most cooling system leaks are caused by a clogged condensate line. This drain line gathers condensation into an overflow pan and then diverts it away from the unit through a pipe.

If the line isn’t cleaned periodically, however, it may become clogged with mold, mildew, and other debris, which will cause the condensation to back up until it starts leaking out. After clearing any clogs and cleaning the drain line, your HVAC technician can install an overflow shutoff device to prevent future leaks. 


If your cooling system is leaking, count on Superior Residential Services in Archdale, NC, to repair it. Backed by more than a century of combined experience in the HVAC field, this contractor is available 24/7 to meet your needs. The full-service company can handle everything from diagnostics and repairs to duct cleaning and preventive maintenance. To request a free service estimate, call (336) 861-5911 today. Learn more about their AC services online.
