
Dental implants are permanent solutions to lost teeth. They look and function like natural teeth, and in most cases, don’t ever require replacement. Use the following guide to maintain optimal oral health and ensure their longevity.

How to Take Proper Care of Dental Implants

1. Prevent Damage

Implants are durable, but they can get cracked just like natural teeth. Avoid using your mouth to open packages and don’t chew on objects, ice, or hard candies to keep them intact. 

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush, as tough bristles can cause scratches. Pick a toothpaste free of baking soda, which is abrasive. Some products are specifically designed for people with dental implants.


2. Brush & Floss Daily

dental implantsImplants still accumulate bacteria and plaque, so continue to follow a regular hygiene routine. Brush twice a day and floss daily to remove food particles around the teeth and gum line.

If you have mobility challenges, get a water flosser to clean all parts of the mouth effectively. Some models come with attachments to help you reach the molars.

3. Stop Smoking

If you smoke tobacco products, stop once you get implants. Smoking can irritate the gums, slowing down the healing process. By quitting, you decrease the risk of complications and improve your overall health.

Nicotine patches and medications are available to help reduce the urge to smoke. Whether or not you choose to quit permanently, avoid tobacco for 2 months after your implants are placed to increase the chances of a successful procedure.

4. Visit the Dentist Regularly

Dentists recommend biannual dental visits for everyone, but especially for those with implants. During each visit, your dentist checks for signs of decay that could compromise the integrity of surrounding gum tissue.

They may also offer customized strategies to help you improve the condition of your dental implants. For example, if you have bruxism, they may recommend getting a mouth guard to prevent abrasion.


If you need a dentist to help you care for your dental implants, turn to the professionals at Tkatch Dentistry in High Point, NC. They provide quality dental care for the entire family and build close relationships with all of their patients. To help you secure affordable treatment, they offer financing plans and work with most dental insurance providers. Call (336) 889-9916 to schedule an appointment, or visit their website to learn more about their restorative treatments.
