
Septic tanks are plastic or concrete containers used to collect sewage and wastewater from homes that don’t have access to a municipal sewer system. Though they are sufficient in holding a substantial amount of waste, they must be pumped or emptied to prevent the sewage line from backing up into the house. To learn more about septic pumping and its benefits, consult the brief guide below. 

How Often Should You Schedule Septic Pumping Services?

The general rule is to schedule septic tank pumping every three to five years. However, the frequency of your septic pumping schedule depends primarily on the household. The more people who live in the house, the more often you’ll need to pump the tank. For instance, a family of six may need to empty the septic tank once every two years, but someone living alone may only need the service once every 10 years.

What Are Signs Your Septic Tank Needs Pumping?

septic pumpingThere are several signs you can observe inside and outside of your house that will tell you when it’s time to empty the tank. If the receptacle is full, you may have areas of pooling water around the drain field. This happens when the septic tank overflows, and solid waste forces wastewater to the surface of the ground.

You may also notice strong, foul odors in your yard as well as places inside the house where drains are located, such as the shower, laundry room, and kitchen sink. Another sign of a septic tank filled to capacity is a healthy lawn. If the grass around the tank is more vibrant and lush than the rest of the yard, waste may be leaking from the receptacle, which then acts as a fertilizer for grass.

What Are the Benefits?

By following a consistent septic pumping schedule, you can prevent the tank from becoming overloaded with solid waste. Over time, the solid waste settles to the bottom, and if it isn’t emptied, it can clog the system and leech into the surrounding soil. The service also ensures your plumbing system remains functional and reduces unsanitary sewage backups that could contaminate your home and leave you with costly damages. 


If your home needs septic pumping, you can count on Hometown Sewer Service in Warrensburg, NY. Since 1949, this family-owned company has provided exceptional septic services to residents throughout the area, including septic tank cleaning, maintenance, and repairs. They also offer grease trap cleanings for commercial properties. Schedule your free estimate today by calling (518) 623-2453 or visit them online.
